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The DIY Granny flat

southern highlands granny flat rules

Local Council

Southern Highlands Granny Flat Rules

If your property is located in what is known as the Southern Highlands, NSW, and you are thinking about building a secondary dwelling – here is a summary from the Southern highlands Council:  ...

granny flat bank finance


Finance for Granny Flats – What You Need to Know

If you are thinking about adding a granny flat to your main home, you may also be thinking about how to find the cash to cover the costs for this build. Is it hard...

Granny Flat - Builders

East Coast Granny Flat Builders – The Recommended List

If you live on the East Coast of Australia, and are thinking about building a granny flat, you may be thinking – are there granny flat companies that cover the whole East Coast?  ...

granny flat cladding


11 of the Best Granny Flat Cladding Ideas – Shown in Detail

If thinking about building a granny flat, have you considered – what are your granny flat cladding options?   The materials to choose from for granny flat cladding are:   Timber. Cement Fibre Vinyl....

Gosford granny flat rules

Local Council

Gosford Granny Flat Regulations – The Definitive Guide

If you have a property in Gosford, NSW, and are contemplating adding a granny flat to it, the question on your mind may be – what do you need to do first?   First,...

laws and rules man


How to Know If You Can Build a Granny Flat

To be approved to build a granny flat, there are certain regulations you have to follow. So, what do you need to do first?   It’s important to ensure that you’re not limited by...

granny flat exterior


Granny Flat Exteriors – Discover All Your Choices Here

There will come a time when you have to design the exterior of your granny flat. So, what should an external granny flat design show?      The external design should show your ‘style’, while...

Granny Flats - General

Granny Flat Ideas – 12 Ways to Craft an Incredible Granny Flat

The  question I am constantly asked when it comes to great granny flat ideas is – What does every granny flat need?    To start with; If you can focus on these main points,...

large granny flat design


10 Large Granny Flat Designs – Floorplans to Inspire

Before we get into the designs below; a common question I am asked about large granny flats is – can you build a granny flat over 60sqm?   The answer is yes, although it...

duplex image


Can You Build a Granny Flat on a Duplex?

If you have a duplex, you may wonder – can you build a granny flat on a duplex?   Unfortunately no. Both duplexes and granny flats are considered by the Council to be dual occupancy....