When planning to build a granny flat, you may find yourself confused by the sheer amount of regulations you find. But there is no reason to be discouraged. Here is a summary of the rules for Granny Flats in QLD:
The maximum size allowed for a granny flat in Queensland varies, depending on your local Council. It will be approximately 45 – 90sqm. New changes have recently come into place, allowing you to rent out your granny flat over the three years between 2022-2025, removing the regulation that it must be occupied by a ‘member of your household’.
Today, I will discuss the rules for a granny flat in QLD.
DON'T PAY A FORTUNE FOR YOUR GRANNY FLAT. Find out how to deal with council and build a granny flat for the lowest cost possible. Learn More.
I will advise you of the costs to build a granny flat in Queensland and the changes on renting out a granny flat.
I will talk about the regulations on the Sunshine Coast and the regulations on the Gold Coast and lastly, I will provide you a list of granny flat builders in Brisbane.

Understanding the QLD rules below will save you time and money
What is the Maximum Granny Flat Size in QLD?
The Brisbane City Plan 2014 (also called the ‘City Plan‘) was developed by the Brisbane City Council to:
- Support a simple, streamlined development assessment process for granny flats.
Under this plan, a granny flat in a residential zone can be approved to a maximum of 80sqm.
For a breakdown of the standards you must meet, see “Can You Build a Granny Flat on Your QLD Property?” below.
However, if you wish to build a granny flat bigger than 80sqm, you can:
- Lodge a Development Application (DA), and
- Depending on your zone and your local Council, this may be approved up to 90sqm.
Costs to Build a Granny Flat in Queensland
Granny flats can come in all shapes and sizes. As such, they cost anywhere from $50,000 to $200,000.
To see an in depth guide about granny flat costs click here.
The price also depends on the:
- Materials
- Upgrades
- Builder
The price of your granny flat can easily increase if you choose optional upgrades, for example;
- A brick veneer may cost $9000
- Roof tiles may cost $2500
- A clothesline may cost $350
Other costs that aren’t included are electrical and plumbing.
If you plan to rent to someone who isn’t a member of your ‘household’ as such, you may need to meter your water, electricity and gas separately.
This will cost roughly;
- Water Meter = $400
- Electrical Meter = $380
- Gas Meter = $350
Plus, approximately $250 each for installation.
Also not included;
- Fencing = $3000
- Landscaping = $3000
- Council fees = These vary depending on your Council
There are ways to lower the price.
You can limit it to the essentials – no optional upgrades, even remove some standard inclusions.
Having the bare necessities can lower your costs by up to $10,000.
Or, you can do the construction work yourself.
See my article “Can You Build Your Own Granny Flat?” for how this is done and what you can save.
Can You Build a Granny Flat on Your QLD Property?
The Brisbane City Plan set some rules to assist with building granny flats.
As a result, some granny flats can be approved without a DA.
You must meet the accepted development, subject to requirements criteria.
Whether your granny flat is an ‘accepted development’, depends upon;
- Your zone, and
- If your land is subject to a neighbourhood plan or overlays.
You can use the Brisbane City Plan 2014 interactive mapping toolto discover this.
Other regulations that you must adhere to are;
- If you have a small lot (under 450sqm, or 600sqm excluding the access way for a rear lot)
- If you have a standard lot (larger than 450sqm, or 600sqm minus the access way on a rear lot)
Other things to consider are:
- Site Coverage – The portion of your land size that can be covered by buildings, to ensure the safety and privacy of both dwellings.
The specific percentages are:
- 200sqm or less = Up to 80%
- 200sqm – 300sqm = Up to 70%
- 300sqm – 400sqm = Up to 60%
- 400sqm or more = Up to 50%
Requirements for Granny Flats – Your granny flat must have:
- Parking – At least one car space (additional to those for the main home)
- Separate Entryways – An entrance to the granny flat separate from the main home.
Location – The granny flat must be placed 10m to 20m from your primary dwelling (again this will vary depending on your Council, so I suggest you check with them).
Fire Separation – You must have adequate fire separation also between the granny flat and your primary dwelling. This is 1800mm.
Sizes – There are rules regarding the height your granny flat can be, which vary again depending on your Council, and also upon how many levels they have.
1-storey granny flats:
- May be allowed to be between 4.5m to 9m tall. Please check with your Council the maximum height you are allowed.
2-storey granny flats:
- No taller than 9.5m.
- Rear and side walls must not exceed 7.5m.
- The highest point of the roof cannot be greater than 30 degrees on small lots.
- They can only be built in low or medium density residential zones.
3-storey granny flats:
- Maximum of 11.5m.
- Rear and side walls must not measure greater than 9.5m.
- The maximum point on the top of the roof cannot be greater than 30 degrees.
- You want to build a granny flat bigger than 80sqm
- You are placing the granny flat further than 20m from the main house
- Your land is affected by Neighbourhood Plans (i.e. the Biodiversity and Wetlands overlay)
*Note – I gained this information from the Brisbane City Council website, it is subject to change.
Can You Rent Out a Granny Flat On Your QLD Property?
I have great news for you, Queenslanders.
Previously, the majority of local Councils would only allow granny flats to be tenanted by family members of the main home.
But as of late 2022 these laws changed. This was a result of the housing crisis, and you can see here where the QLD Government announced that for the next 3 years, your granny flat is now legally allowed to be rented out to any persons of your choice.
So as long as you gained Council approval, and your granny flat did not require planning approval or does not have conditions about its occupancy, the regulations have changed. There are no longer restrictions on who you can rent it out to.
If this is something you are looking at doing, you can see tenancy agreements on the Residential Tenancies Authorities website here.
These will give you advice on the type of agreement you would need, as this is dependent on the type of accommodation you are providing.
If your granny flat did have conditions that placed a restriction on its occupancy, you can still look into whether you are able to rent it out. The Planning Act 2016 will run you through this process, on how you make a ‘change to the application’, to change the conditions, after approval has been given.
You can also choose to talk to your local Council and get their advice on changing the conditions, and then being able to rent out to whoever you like.
One thing that all Queenslanders will need to do, before renting out your granny flat, regardless of what type of approval you were given, is check if you need to do any extra building works that need approval, especially in regard to fire safety.
You may also find that rules on who the tenants of the granny flat are allowed to be will vary between Councils, so it is always a wise idea to contact your local Council first and ask them who the renter is allowed to be, prior to planning on renting out.
Please note also, this is current information. These changes are going to be assessed again by the Government in 3 years from 2022.
You can also visit their website for the latest rules and regulations.
Granny Flat Regulations Sunshine Coast
Granny flat regulations differ in Sunshine Coast.
Granny flats are allowed to be built to a maximum of 90sqm in the following zones:
- Low density residential zone
- Medium density residential zone
- High density residential zone
- Tourist accommodation zone
- Emerging community zone
- Limited development (landscape residential) zone
- Rural zone
- Rural residential zone
However, Caloundra only allows 45sqm.
If located in an urban zone:
- The minimum land size allowed is 600sqm
- The land must be regular in shape (that is, square or rectangular)
- If not regular in shape, able to fit a square or rectangle of at least 400sqm inside.
In all areas of the Sunshine Coast, the primary and secondary dwelling must share the same:
- Water connection and meter
- Wastewater connection/system
- Street number and letterbox
- Driveway access point.
*Note – This information was collected from the Sunshine Coast Councils’ website, thus is subject to change.
For up-to-date information, view their website.
Granny Flat Regulations Gold Coast
Gold Coast follows the standard City Plan approval process.
However, you must check the City Plan Overlay to see if there are any exclusions on your land.
The overlay has an interactive map, outlining your key requirements.
Another handy page is the City of Gold Coast’s Secondary Dwellings, where you can check if you need approval.
Do You Need Council Approval for a Shed in QLD?
Under the Brisbane City Plan 2014, a shed is subject to the same assessment process as a granny flat.
So, before you build a shed, check to see if you need approval.
Start by finding out key facts about your property, such as:
- Zoning
- Neighbourhood plans
- Overlays
Then, find out whether your shed:
- Meets the classifications for accepted development, subject to requirements
- If you need to submit a DA.
If you qualify for accepted development you can commence your shed project, as long as you;
- Use the building a shed on a standard lot online checklist
- Conduct a self-assessment, ensuring your shed complies with the Dwelling house code or the Dwelling house (small lot) code
- Check that overlays and neighbourhood plans do not affect your property.
I suggest you contact the Brisbane City Council for advice on whether your proposed development is associated with residential use, such as a warehouse or farm.
You must design your shed as a Class 10a building under the Building Code of Australia:
- A maximum of 10sqm
- No taller than 2.4m (with an average height of no more than 2.1m)
- No greater than 5m on any side
- Not impacting the safety of your existing dwellings, retaining walls or structures
- Not affecting any adjoining properties
- Not changing an existing pool fence or enclosure.
If your proposed shed does not comply with the above, you will need a DA.
Can You Live in a Shed?
No, you can’t live in a shed or make it fit for habitation in any way.
You will run the risk of Council ordering you to demolish the structure.
As you can see, the whole process can be quite complicated, so it can help to;
- Enlist the help of a professional builder
- Attend a Talk to a Planner session, held by the Council to help you understand the City Plan.
List of Granny Flat Builders in Brisbane
Below is a list of granny flat builders in Brisbane:
- Hoek Modular Homes – (07) 3889 7385
- Superior Granny Flats – (03) 9738 2279
- Diverse Granny Flats – (07) 3161 3559
- Backyard Pods – 1800 289 763
- Tiny Blox – 1300 997 763
- Pop Up Homes – 1300 121 556
- Lifestyle Granny Flats – (07) 3367 8222
- Avalon Granny Flats – 0406 488 814
- Queensland Granny Flats – 0420 382 728
- Urban Granny Flat Solutions – 1300 676 616
- Mark Wilson Design & Build – 0404 888 452
- Custom Styled Homes – (07) 5546 7400
- Funky Little Shack – (07) 5679 6171
- Kline Homes – 1300 552 503
- JaMatt Building Solutions – 0437 171 177
The Brisbane City Plan 2014 requires your granny flat to:
- Be a maximum of 90sqm.
- Be 20m or less from the main home.
- Be no taller than 9m.
- Have its own parking space.
- Have a side and rear setback of 1.5m to 4m (this will depend on the height of the building).
- Have 1800mm fire separation between the primary and secondary dwelling.
You must also meet their regulations about site coverage, which vary depending on the size of your block.
Whilst it once also required it to be occupied by a member of the same household, this changed in the last few years, and now you are able to rent out granny flats in Queensland over the three years from 2022-2025 to your choice of person/s.
Some Councils’ will allow you to build a granny flat up to 90sqm without lodging a DA. In other areas, if you wish to build a granny flat that is larger than 80sqm, you can try speaking with your local Council and submitting a DA.
You may be surprised where lodging a DA will get you. Please do not let the regulations surrounding building a granny flat deter you.