When you first start building your granny flat, there are times when you will need the help of a professional. So, do you need an engineer for a granny flat?
Yes – you will need an approved, stamped report by a qualified engineer. This report confirms an engineer has come to your site, performed soil tests, and confirmed what need to be done for the foundation of your granny flat.
Today I will talk about the type of engineer you will need.
DON'T PAY A FORTUNE FOR YOUR GRANNY FLAT. Find out how to deal with council and build a granny flat for the lowest cost possible. Learn More.
I will discuss whether you can be approved without an engineers report and will provide a list of engineers throughout Australia for your project.
What Type of Engineer do You Need?
You will require the assistance of a Structural Engineer.
A Structural Engineer responsibilities include:
- Analysing the configurations of the basic components of the structure, to ensure it can actually be built.
- Making sure that the structural design of the granny flat is safe, strong, serviceable, compliant, and durable.
- Ensuring that the building can endure the stresses and pressures that it will be imposed to from human use and the environmental conditions.
- Inspecting your property, assessing its’ conditions and foundations.
To verify this, they do calculations, and document it with drawings.

My personal engineering plans showed me exactly how the piers would be built
A good Structural Engineer’s drawings generally include:
- Plans.
- Elevations.
- Detailed designs.
- Schedules and tables of their calculations.
- The building materials required.
- Proposed construction methods that best suit both your project and budget.
Can Your Granny Flat be Approved Without an Engineers Report?
Simply put – no.
The need for Stamped Engineering Plans are in the total list of certificates needed, which are important to make your granny flat compliant.
To elaborate, an Engineers Report:
- Ensures your new granny flat will be structurally safe and sound.
- Contains strict guidelines on what structural building materials must be used, due to the condition of your land. This ensures you are meeting the standards of the Building Code of Australia (BCA). For example, my engineers report advised what strength the concrete used in my slab had to be.
- Will explain every shape, size, and form of every part of the dwelling, so they are drawings that will be accepted by your Council.
What Does an Engineer Do When They Are on Site?
You will need the engineer to come to your property to create the report for you.
When they are on site, they will:
- Review your requirements – They should start by understanding what your goal is, what the result is that you want to achieve.
- Check your land and plans – The affect that putting a granny flat on your land will have is huge, and easily underestimated. So, the engineer should take time to assess every aspect your site and its’ condition.
- They may review your properties classification in comparison to your Section 10.7 Certificate.
- They will check over any planned design elements for your secondary dwelling, seeing if it suits the condition of your land.
- They will also measure your soil and confirm the foundation of your granny flat.
- For example, when the engineer came to my site, they measured the soil to see if our foundation was sitting on rock.
Does Your Architect or Drafter Need the Engineer Report?
Yes – a good engineer should know how to liaise with other professionals in the industry, such as architects or drafters.
It is important to note that Granny Flat Designers will actually need these engineering plans from you.
You should be able to give your architect or drafter the reports from your surveyor and engineer, and then they can:
- Begin creating plans, ready to start constructing your granny flat.
What Makes a Good Engineer?
Below is a list of qualities that you should look for in an engineer…Especially if You Have a Challenging Block
Particularly if you have tricky block to work with, such as one on sloping land, you will need an expert in their field.
Here is advice on how to find the right engineer for you:
- Are They Professionally Registered with the Institute of Structural Engineers – It is important to establish your engineer is registered and has undertaken Continuous Professional Development (CDP).
Search the Members Directory by name, location or membership number.
- Do They Work Well in a Team – Often, an engineer will be part of a team, so must be able to work well therein. Qualities to look for that show signs of great teamwork are courtesy and tact when communicating. These traits will build trust within the team. If they can communicate well with you, keeping you informed, presenting facts openly and honestly, they are probably a good team member.
- Do They Have Good Communication Skills – For an engineer, communication is more than speaking, reading, writing, or listening. It means being able to not only understand technical complexities, but also able to:
- Concisely, effectively translate this technical language into layman’s terms without talking down to others. Engineers communicate with people at many different levels, from unskilled workers to managers. The ability to communicate in a respectful, concise manner is vital as it ensures your main message will be passed on clearly. So, they should be able to work with you and communicate well with you, helping you understand all the options available to you.
- Are They Creative – Great engineers are born with an ability to ‘think outside of the box’. Their entire industry relies on the ability to creatively solve problems. Engineers that are able to bring creative solutions and new ideas to the job are improving the existing system. Listen to see if they can come up with new ways to improve existing problems. Simply, pay attention to how effective the solutions they suggest are, and how well received they are.
- Are They Natural Problem Solvers – As with creativity, an engineer must also be great at problem solving. Any job, no matter its’ size, will have its’ problems. An engineer must be able to address these as they appear. This means studying the problem, understanding the impact it is having on the project, and analysing it. Applying their skills in a logical, well-organised manner, and identifying the main cause of the problem. To solve problems successfully, an engineer must also be able to listen to the ‘owner’ of the problem.
If they answer by saying things such as they:
- Perform multiple quality assurance checks, and
- Have their work supervised by registered engineers,
Then, you have found a team that pays ultra-careful attention to every aspect.
All of these qualities are particularly important if you have a challenging block of land.
An engineer needs to know how to put their problem-solving and creativity skills to use and communicate these effectively with you.
For example, getting a soil test from an engineer will help you to figure out the stability of the ground you are building upon.
If the soil shows signs of:
- High-water tables in flood prone land
- Deep tree roots.
- Clay.
- Rocks, or
- Sand.
These are all issues that might mean you need to readjust your plans, but your engineer should be able to:
- Put their problem-solving skills to use so you can still go ahead with your development.
For example, if there is rock in your surface soil, excavation can be both difficult and rather costly, so:
- The granny flat will need to be built out from the slope.
Can the Engineer be Placed at Fault With any Construction Errors?
No – there are many aspects to Construction, so it is important that you do your own research first.
This involves contacting your Council and finding out exactly what you need to be approved for your granny flat.
While an engineering report is important, it is just one of the:
After extensive research I was able to compile a list of recommended Engineers below:
List of Recommended Engineers in Each State
New South Wales
- STA Consulting Engineers – (02) 3042 6450
- Inhouse Consulting Engineers – (02) 4721 0044
- Rise Consulting Engineers – (02) 8057 9109
- Residential Engineering – (02) 9896 5494
- T.O.P. Consulting Group (NSW) Pty Ltd – (02) 9588 9966
- Vision Structures NSW – (02) 4324 3622
- weBETA Structural Engineers Sydney – 0432 160 153
- Structural Engineers Civplex – 0411 864 076
- MAAC Structural Consulting Engineers – 0468 740 909
- Gilcon Structural Engineers – (02) 4760 0760
- Gartzionis Engineering – (02) 4940 0559
- Birzulis Associates – Structural & Civil Engineers – (02) 4049 4855
- AXIS Structural Engineering – (02) 8011 4963
- Civil and Structural Engineering Design Services – (02) 9975 3899
- Structural Ingenuity Pty Ltd – 0438 927 377
- P.K Civil & Structural Engineering – 0408 205 203
- Structural Spectra Consulting Engineers – 0411 695 729
- Lynar Consulting – (02) 6362 5551
- Thitchener Consulting – (02) 4367 2733
- George Puvinayagam Structural Engineer – (02) 6622 7144
- Melbourne Civil & Structural Engineers – Melbourne Civil & Structural Engineers
- DCG Structural & Civil Engineers – (03) 9650 3224
- RC Engineering Consultancy | Structural Engineering Company – (03) 9357 7744
- Barrason’s Engineers – (03) 5940 2638
- Nsient Consulting Engineers – (03) 8682 9380
- Structural Engineer | ICC Engineering Consultancy Melbourne – (03) 8324 0180
- Tingmore Structures – (03) 9005 1177
- Civil & Structural Engineering Design Melbourne – MEC
- ANZ Structural & Civil Engineers – (03) 9005 1905
- Structerre Consulting – (03) 8872 6999
- ARTA Group Consulting Structural Engineers – 0401 260 949
- PSE Consulting Engineers – (03) 9723 0300
- Strucsand Consulting Pty Ltd – (03) 9352 7021
- KBT Consulting Engineers Pty Ltd – 0430 721 624
- STRUCT Consulting
- STA Consulting Engineers – (07) 3071 7444
- Capalaba Engineering QLD – (07) 3804 3444
- NGS Structural Engineers – Gold Coast – (07) 5580 8809
- Structural Engineering and Certification Services – (07) 3846 2136
- Structerre Engineering Consulting Brisbane – (07) 3307 8300
- Inertia Engineering – (07) 3857 7868
- Incode Engineers – (07) 3844 7797
- Erwin Structural Engineering – (07) 5561 7095
- NP Structural Engineering Pty Ltd – 0406 877 026
- SLN Consulting – Structural Engineer Brisbane & Gold Coast – 0424 870 888
- GC Structural Engineers Pty Ltd – 0404 872 426
- Rienmac Consulting Civil/Structural Engineers – (07) 5349 0762
- Lynskey Structural Consultants – (07) 3279 4909
- Structures – (07) 5319 0950
- EngiStruct Structural Engineers – Brisbane – (07) 3348 2644
- AD.Structure – (07) 3491 7288
- Booth Engineers & Associates Pty Ltd = (07) 3397 7876
- Porchun Consulting Structural Engineer – (07) 3366 6597
- JRB Structural Engineering Pty Ltd – 1300 789 212
- PEER Consulting Engineers – 0450 088 370
- EOL Consulting Engineers Brisbane – 1300 009 791
- Graeme Moulston & Associates Engineering Pty Ltd – (07) 5530 6214
Western Australia
- BG Structural Engineers – (08) 9315 3295
- Engineering Design Consultancy – (08) 9227 5119
- Advanced Building Engineers – (08) 9382 8888
- Engenuity Engineering – (08) 6555 4955
- Structerre Consulting Perth – (08) 9205 4500
- Engineer Perth – (08) 6424 8129
- Arena Clauson Engineering Group – (08) 9255 1557
- Exeus Structural Design Consultants – (08) 6247 4616
- think structural – 0403 332 312
- Structural Integrity Engineering Pty Ltd – (08) 9316 9400
- United Scanning Services Pty Ltd – 0433 724 921
- Goodison Engineering – 0423 028 203
- Fozdar Pty Ltd – 0405 428 267
- Ausmac Structural Engineers Pty Ltd – (08) 6261 2936
- ABA Structures – 0425 638 272
- B. Waddell Consulting Engineers – (08) 9409 4843
- Foundation Engineering Pty Ltd – (08) 9272 6779
- VTP Engineering – 0417 093 607
- Atelier JV – (08) 9228 9120
- Leonard Engineering Services Pty Ltd – (08) 9494 1394
South Australia
- Bonacci Group SA – (08) 8361 0000
- Structural Stability Consulting Pty Ltd – 0416 013 684
- Janusz & Partners Professional Engineers – 0401 689 491
- Metamorphosis Engineering – (08) 7477 7677
- Anzas & Associates – 0402 231 610
- FMG Engineering – (08) 8132 6600
- Structural Systems Pty Ltd – (08) 8231 6000
- Intrax Consulting Group Pty Ltd – (08) 8165 0122
- Mlei + Ginos Consulting Engineers – (08) 8231 2832
- Herriot Consulting – (08) 8431 4555
- Harnett Engineering – 0402 518 871
- Cox Consulting Engineers – (08) 8364 2208
- Lelio Bibbo Consulting Engineers – (08) 8212 7966
- Wallbridge Gilbert Aztec – (08) 8223 7433
- GRG Consulting Engineers Pty Ltd – (08) 7070 8020
- Integral Consulting Engineers – (03) 6220 1336
- Tasmanian Consulting Service – (03) 6424 9085
- RES Engineering Company Pty Ltd – 0455 440 150
- Gandy & Roberts Consulting Engineers – (03) 6223 8877
- Burbury Consulting Pty Ltd – (03) 6223 8007
- Travenco Engineering Pty Ltd – (03) 6331 5078
- 6ty° Architecture Surveying Engineering – (03) 6332 3300
- Chris Potter Engineering – (03) 6231 4143
- Frontier Engineers Pty Ltd – (03) 6327 3410
- Aldanmark Pty Ltd – (03) 6234 8666
- pitt&sherry – (03) 6451 5599
- Mulcahy Civil Consulting – 0412 439 184
- Engineering Plus – (03) 6331 7021
- MV Consulting – (03) 6326 6276
- JSA Consulting Engineers – (03) 6224 5625
Northern Territory
- NT Consulting Engineers, Darwin Drafting & Civil Engineering – 0427 411 633
- Rapid Engineering NT – 0450 110 717
- Structural Engineering Consultants Australia Pty Ltd – (08) 8947 4999
- N.T. Consulting Engineers – 0427 411 633
- Masters Engineering Consultancy Pty Ltd – (08) 7978 4021
- Heiner Structural Engineering Consultants Pty Ltd – (08) 8984 4401
- Foremost Engineering & Steelworks – (08) 8984 4416
- Flanagan Consulting Group – (08) 8911 0046
- FYFE – (08) 8953 7642
- Capital House Australasia – (08) 7978 7740
- Charles Chew & Assoc – 0411 206 288
- Plans Drawn – Darwin Drafting & Structural Engineering Drawings – 0448 256 578
- Pritchard Francis – (08) 7922 4100
- M Gabriel Consulting Engineers – (08) 8985 2772
- ADG Engineers (Aust) Pty Ltd – 1300 657 402
Australian Capital Territory
- ANH Consulting Engineers – (02) 6100 0414
- Sellick Consultants – (02) 6201 0200
- Advanced Structural Designs – (02) 6161 2171
- John Skurr Consulting Engineers – (02) 6282 4620
- Ansary Consulting Engineers – 0408 630 959
- Allstructural Consulting Engineer – 0432 638 115
- Fraish Consulting Pty Ltd – Civil & Structural Engineers – (02) 6230 2823
- MORGAN ENGINEERS – (02) 6239 5300
- SGA Property Consultancy Pty Ltd – (02) 6243 3668
- Van der Meer Consulting – (02) 6243 4839
- Pierre Dragh Consulting Engineers – 0438 625 440
- All Things Steel – 0401 448 443
Structural engineers play a critical role in the development of your granny flat.
It’s part of their role to ensure that the:
- Structural design of your granny flat is safe, resistant, durable, functional, and complies with Council and building regulations.
- Granny flat will hold up to the stresses and forces that will be placed on it.
They will come to your site, assess your land, its’ conditions, and foundations, and provide you with a:
- Stamped Engineering Plan (also called an Engineers Report).
You will not be approved to build your secondary dwelling from your local Council without this report, as it shows;
- Your granny flat will be structurally sound.
- The conditions of your land.
- Strict guidelines on the materials you must use, ensuring it meets the standards of the Building Code of Australia (BCA).
As this report includes drawings that show all shapes, sizes, and forms of every part of your proposed granny flat, they will be accepted by your Council. The engineer will also provide you with technical advice on safe designs and construction.
It is important to have an experienced and knowledgeable engineer, particularly if you have a challenging block, such as one on sloping land, as;
- They will be able to use their problem-solving skills so you can proceed with your building your granny flat within your budget.
It is also important to know that the role an engineer plays is highly important, as;
- Granny Flat Designers will require the Engineers report from you.
Your architect or drafter will need the reports from you so they can start designing plans. It is also important to note that an engineer is not to blame if anything goes wrong during construction – perhaps it means plans have not been followed correctly.
This is why I suggest you do your research first and find out your Councils’ regulations for approval.